Sunday 25 March 2012


 Internet Explorer 9 Script
Starting off with a close shot off the ground where it shows the actor walking over and snapping a stick. Suddenly camera then moves on to actors faces a good close up of the face to show some awareness after hearing a noise. Then get a full body shot of the actor walking along the footpath. From this point on there will be multiple angled shots of the actor walking along the path so different sides and over headshots. Suddenly a gun loading will be heard and then fired into the actor and then the camera will be held with strong support to then run up to the actor for then when it comes to editing gives it a following bullet affect. Once the bullet engages into the actor he then regains consciousness at his computer and then realises it was all a dream. So then suddenly actor decides to go onto the computer and use internet explorer to search for something that would have some relation to what he was dreaming about. Then to finish the Internet Explorer appears with a message underneath saying “Get lost in the wilderness”
Cannon 550D
Computer (to access IE9)  

So Here is my work showing the progression I have done to get me to the final piece of work for the D&AD competition starting from the top is several mind maps to sort of help me have a good direction on what to be doing for the brief I had chosen to do. Doing the mind maps helped me a lot as it had expanded my ways of thought on what I could do for the final outcome of the brief. Originally I was going to do a still imaged piece of design work but then I decided to do something different and try and get my message across to what the brief requires in a video format basically creating my own little advert. So from there when I thought about doing I decided to create a script and then begin story boarding my idea on what I was intending to create. Once I had finished that stage of the process I then started to shoot the film and for me to of done so I needed to hire a camera man and an actor which luckily for me I managed to get so my key role in all this was to direct the whole thing and make sure I was getting the camera shots I had visualized and then edit it all afterwards I tried to make the final out come look as professional as I could get it and I am personally happy with the outcome of it all I had found it a lot more interesting and a better and more active/constructive way to meet the brief by creating an actual advert.

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