Tuesday 13 December 2011


So for this project I had to create an insert for a wall paper magazine. The topic I decided to do was Beatboxing as beatboxing is one of my main hobbies. So the stages I went through to get to this finished piece were a very good journey. At first I was contemplating on the fact is beatboxing a good way to show 15 minutes of fame but then I thought YOUTUBE. As I already had a youtube channel containing many videos of myself beatboxing I decided how about I make a beatbox tutorial as I think beatboxing is a very interesting thing to know about as it isn’t very common and not many people are able to do this it is sort of extraordinary for people to listen to those who have gained this talent. I had a lot of fun doing this project making these videos was the best part even though I can beatbox I still took me many takes to get the video right and clear for people to understand what I was saying. I have learnt a lot more now in photoshop than I did before I managed to make a front cover and was very pleased of the outcome then I made my poster/beatbox tutorial insert for the magazine. So this project I have managed to do in one constant flow and figuring out that using blogger makes things a lot easier to present the work I have done. Learning from my mistakes from my last project I was able to talk about how I felt about the work and the research I did instead of describing something that was already there my confidence on showing people the way I think about particular things has increased massively over this project. I find my time management has improved a lot as I have kept on point and on task with the amount of time I had to do this project kept things in order. Over all for this project I am pleased with the outcomes and I also am pleased with the comments I had from people about the tutorials and it also has gave me confidence in the near future to make more tutorials to help people and spread beatboxing across to people. I have learnt throughout this project now that people see beatboxing to be another language and I now know more in depth of the whole history of beatboxing and learnt a lot throughout and this has been a good journey and I really have enjoyed doing this project and creating the things I have done and become a lot more open minded about how I think of things.
To conclude I had fun with this project and it has made me think of things in a whole different prospective and the outcomes came out just how I imagined.

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