Wednesday 7 December 2011

This is a page on why i beatbox and what got me into beatboxing so because the image isn't very well taken and you can't read the text i will copy and paste that just underneath here for people to read. i couldn't zoom in onto it as i wouldn't off been able to fit the whole page on so i will have to do it like this.
Why do i beatbox?

I have always been able to make unusual noises using my mouth, cheeks and throat but back then I never knew of beatboxing or what it was. So in 2004 I saw my very first beatboxing video and it was a beatboxer from Tampa in the US, When I first discovered beatboxing I could not believe the things I was hearing and how fast this person was doing the beats within rhythm. I mean I could do these noises but I could never make a continuous loop of noises to sync into rhythm. I didn’t take up beatboxing just from that though but I was more interested on seeing other people perform it and see other styles and techniques that people have done that create them their own profile of style towards beatboxing. I missed a big opportunity in my life we had a beatboxer come into my secondary school and he was known as petebox and he had a workshop for people to learn beatboxing and then perform the things he teaches on a life stage for the district of Bolsover I never took part in it but I regret that I never had done. I started beatboxing personally in about November of 2010, I watched a few tutorials on the basics and then just started creating my own style using different noises and sounds to create a beat and I also improved my rhythm and tempo. Beatboxing also has improved breathing technique as breathing is a key element in beatboxing. I say this because e.g if you’re going at a fast tempo you need to be able to breath in the gaps of the beats just so you can maintain the constant flow of rhythm if not then you will gasp for air and lose rhythm and flow.  So after a few practices I made my very first youtube video for people to watch and let me know what they think. At the time I was very nervous on showing people this little skill I did my original idea was to see the feedback I got and if it was negative I was going to stop doing it. Luckily people was shocked and didn’t expect what I could do and I got good positive comments and people asking me to do more and do more videos etc. So as time goes by I started getting better and making the sounds a lot cleaner and also corpora ting sub genres of music such as drum n bass and dubstep into my style of beatboxing a created for myself. Later on I started communicate with beatboxers all over the world using forums such as the humanbeatbox forum also known as HHBforum and then there was Ventrilo which is an online chat room for people. Meeting all these new people motivated me and pushed me more to improve on things and the community it’s self is very friendly and people just motivate each other and just give you tips on things to work on. In the time I have been on this forum and known these people no one has ever said a bad word about one another. People these days like to call HHB as a big Human Beatboxing Family. Being known in that sort of community gives you a fantastic feeling knowing you are being recognised and earning respect from others for what you do just pushes you to achieve new and greater things. Beatboxing for me is a form of expressing your emotions to others around you and is also just another form of language you learn that really only other beatboxers can relate to. My main influence in beatboxing is everybody that beatboxers each individual beatboxer has their own special thing about them that makes them unique to others whether it be there style there attitude towards others or there techniques.    

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