Monday 12 December 2011


This is my final design for my pull out i have made a few alterations such as an introduction to beatboxing i found that in my view if something is to be published in a magazine it has to be already known of so doesn't need much of an explanation. I also said i was going to write a guide and a competition piece saying how i am running a competition and a guide for people how to upload there videos and send them to me. So instead of having it written all on paper i made a another video explaining on what i would like to see from people and explained how to accomplish to do so. I also have written in the description box of the video on how to do it as well as back up in case no body was able to follow what i was saying in the video. After discussing ways of laying it out so example having the images titled i found personally not suitable for this type of topic as it is key that people are able to see the images in a line of sequences so it is easier to follow then having to look around the page and following and obscured pattern i would of decided to make. I created this whole piece on photo shop and the image are off my actual beatbox tutorial videos. Me personally i am pleased with this out come everything is clear to read and it is easy to navigate around the page and i like the colour scheme it blends well with the text and the use of bright colours gives it that more eye catching effect.

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