Wednesday 7 December 2011

So after a chat with my tutor about the previous design i did he had directed me into a more creative outlet which i took into consideration and created this 2nd mock up. Now with this one from the 1st image where it is just a square each image shows different folded out sections and i have labelled on the sheet on which direction to unfold so there is no confusion and it is easier for readers to access. Now for this idea i liked it a lot better than the booklet i find it more visually creative and appealing to look at. so the idea is snap shot sections of my tutorial videos and put them into some form of comic book strip and then write underneath basically how to do the beat. I find showing the movement of the mouth and having multiple images makes it a lot clearer to explain where as before it was just a big bunch of text that would not off made sense at all to the readers reading this insert. Now after speaking to another tutor he said why not make it a bit more creative and have the images slanted onto each other have it a bit messy not to perfectly structured little things like that to make the insert look more applying. Now instead of having a DVD feature i am not having the tutorials uploaded to youtube where in this modern youtube is a prime example of 15 minuites of fame basically because it is what people now use to upload basically anything and even 1 view gives that couple of seconds or minuites or how ever the video lasts some form of fame as another person is viewing something you created. Also with idea as well i will host a competition which will be for people on the course and basically the idea for this is to watch my tutorials practice what i demonstrated and then upload there own video the duration can be as long as it wants but on the video it has to have them doing a beatbox freestyle with the beats that i have demonstrated on my tutorial and the winner of this will have a prize from me. Final thing on this will be a guide on how to enter the competition and how to upload videos onto youtube and then send me the url for me to watch and then pick out my favourite.

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